Wednesday, April 17, 2013

in progress.... for the final i will have two manipulated photoshop "paintings" of my roommate and myself. These are both originally paintings that I have manipulated with photoshop layers and with actual photographs to create a sense of uniformity between the two images.

 In the images above, I blended a photograph of a friend with a painted portrait of another friend, to create visual juxtaposition between the media and subjects of the two portraits. This is my first attempt and I want to continue to experiment with blending different types of figurative representations.. while the piece is not nearly resolved, what I do like is the the surreal blending between photograph and painterly stroke, especially as shown in the facial features and the clarity of the figure's eyes. To achieve what I have done here, I pulled elements from the original photograph–hair strands, eyes, and mouth–and repositioned these details on top of the painted work.. I am interested in how I can push this further and I need to work on the background and also try working with a few different images.
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Shown above are two surreal figurative paintings by Michael Borremans-- a Belgian artist who influences my own painting.
I am interested in creating a digitally manipulated portrait that is in a surrealist style and has the figurative, almost creepy air that are so striking to me in Michael Borremans work..
the last image shown here is by Hungarian artist Noell S. Oszvald, here is a link to see more work by  Noell S. Osvald.

For my final work, I am interested in composing different images of human bodies to create one "hybrid" human form from many.

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