Wednesday, April 3, 2013


  1. Amazing I really like where this image is heading. I think the upper left corner need some working on but I am sure you already had plans for that area. I also think that the middle area where the grass corner meets the opposite side, that blurry seam in between could use some more refinement.- BP Reed

  2. cant wait to see how far you can push this, its definitely getting there.

  3. i think you've got an awesome start. the top right and bottom left are clearly defined whereas i feel like the middle ground needs a little work, though i'm sure you know that and you're just in the beginning stages. The boat also has a weird angle to me but that could just be me.

  4. I'm really interested in where you take this and how far you push it. i would love to see you push the tones and make it more contrasty. I'm excited to see the final image.

  5. Just as every one else has said, it is on its way. The one thing I will offer is that you should develop the focal point at little bit more in order to give the viewer something to focus on. When looking at this piece I look all around before landing on a couple of different things.

  6. Gorgeous!! This is so powerful as a narrative image. I think that a few blending modes on the images as a whole to make it look a little more unified would be help. Just a suggestion I don't know if it would help or hurt. The angle of the boat is a little off titling downward to much, maybe tilt it up and a little bit more toward the carnival, this is only a suggestion because i think you could argue that the position of he boat ads to this dream like world you have created.

  7. I like where this is going. a few things i notice right away are the focal point issue and some rough edges where you're blending. I would suggest changing the boats color to something brighter, much in the same way we did in the demo way back when. As far as the blending, i would suggest that you use the opacity bar to bleed the images more, as of now the changes are rather abrupt.

  8. This image is really haunting, almost like a post apocalyptic scene. I believe the blending can be touched up on since you have the idea of making it look like an actual photograph. The plants in the bottom left have the most vibrant color, try to bring that vibrancy throughout.
