Thursday, January 31, 2013

In my most recent development of this piece, I have departed from the more abstracted, flat design of the pneumatic tubes/french press composition posted earlier and am now trying to create more of a space and environment out of the composition. I've placed a coffee cup and a newspaper in the foreground and am playing around with text on the newspaper, though none of this is resolved at this point. To play with perspective and to recall the original imagery I was working with, I am developing the pneumatic tubes receding into the background and eventually, these delivery tubes will turn into french presses as they had in my earlier work. I think that with this process and development I am creating more of an understandable space, but am still working to incorporate the same visual elements of line, shadow, and repetition of pattern that I had in more earlier piece.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

making..progress. continuing to learn and work with the Illustrator tools and beginning to see a composition form through my imagery. I think I like the confusing space and the repetition of patterns created here, but I need to figure out what objects are really central to the concept/composition and which might be superfluous. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Continuing to develop and add definition to the images. Working with vectors and with gradient fill. Adding layers and trying to push and pull different aspects of the composition so that the french press imagery is prominent yet integrated.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

In this image I am working with a combination of two images––an image of a pneumatic postal tube and an image of a classic french press. I am intrigued by the visual similarities between the two forms and am beginning to see a way in which the two can be integrated visually and metaphorically.
To further develop this composition, I plan to multiply variations on the french press image and compose them so that they themselves become the pneumatic tubes. The french presses will vary––one with a lid fully pressed down, another partway, and another without a lid and with a newspaper rolled up inside, to symbolize the ritualistic nature of coffee, the daily press, and traditionally, of postal documents.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This is my first attempt at creating an image on Illustrator. In this image I was working with the image of a chicken and that of a toaster oven and was attempting to combine them to represent a commentary on fast food.